



» » Tips On How To Lose Weight Before Even Trying

These tips to lose weight fast are here to prepare you for your weight loss journey. That's right,
there's a few things you need to do before even trying to lose weight. These tips on weight loss
will get you in the right mind set so that you can achieve your weight loss goals.

Tips On How To Lose Weight Before Even Trying

1. Have a Clear Goal in Mind: The best way to lose weight fast is by having a clear goal in mind
from the start. Write down how much weight you want to lose and by when. With this weight
loss goal in mind, set up steps that will get you there. Maybe your weight loss plan will include
these tips on how to lose weight, may be not. Whatever the case may be, keep reading to
determine the best way to lose weight for you!

2. Determine WHY You Want to Lose Weight: Anyone can say they want to lose weight but if
you don't know why you want to lose weight then you'll never actually lose weight. And simply
saying you want to lose weight is not good enough. You need to have an emotional connection
with your WHY. Losing weight can be tough, don't make it tougher by not knowing why you're
even trying!

3. Take a Real Before Photo: You'll be more motivated by physically seeing your progress than
by looking at a scale every day. You can even take a picture at the end of every week and see
your progress. Having a photo is the best way to track your weight loss because sometimes the
scale will not change in number, yet your body is changing to look sexier and leaner!

4. For Healthy Weight Loss, Don't Follow Fad Diets: Fad diets are those that try to reorganize
the food pyramid so that you eat more of one food group or try to totally eliminate a food
group all together. Yes, you may get some results at first, but they will ultimately lead you to
gaining back all the weight and possibly even gaining more back!... Here's something scary...
People who “diet” tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a
consistent predictor of future weight gain . Instead of relying on a special diet, make
healthier choices every day of your life. This way you you become a healthier, happier, and
fitter person!

5. Keep Track of Your Calories: People often want an easy way to lose weight, which is
impossible. The ONLY easy way to lose weight is with surgery because then you don't need to
do anything. However, if you don't change your lifestyle and continue eating like you did
before, you'll gain the weight back in no time at all... To really lose weight, you'll need to do
some work. One important thing to keep track of is your calories! This will make or break you. If
you don't do this, then you might as well forget about losing weight

"Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is
about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss," says Bonnie
Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It
If you don't want to write down everything, then take a record of what you eat by taking
pictures of EVERYTHING you eat. This will make you more conscious about what you place into
your mouth. Plus, it will allow you to easily review everything you eat every day.

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